construction robots, personal roboport, bad launch decisions

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construction robots, personal roboport, bad launch decisions

Post by sparr »

I have a personal roboport. There is a construction robot in it. Somewhere within my construction range is something for the robot to do (deconstruct or construct). The robot launches to go do the thing. This is often a mistake.

Before launching, the robot should check my heading and speed and calculate how quickly I am approaching its target. If that number is faster than the robot's speed, it will get there faster by NOT launching until that situation changes.
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Re: construction robots, personal roboport, bad launch decisions

Post by ssilk »

Good idea. Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=20566 Changes for the Personal Roboport
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Re: construction robots, personal roboport, bad launch decisions

Post by zOldBulldog »

Agreed, the current decision to launch logic is pretty bad.

- If the player is moving faster than a robot can follow the robot should simply not launch.
- If the personal bot is too far to do the job, it should not be assigned to do the job, as it can sometimes take well over 10 minutes for the robot to catch up to you.

Especially if the player is zooming by in a train. It is extremely annoying to load up for a job, take a train to the jobsite and arrive with no bots willing to do the job.

Or you place a blueprint and only half is built by the bots on you, with the other half being assigned to personal bots that are far far away. So they don't get built, and once assigned no other bot gets the job even if fully charged and sitting in your inventory.
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Re: construction robots, personal roboport, bad launch decisions

Post by mrvn »

That makes me think that a ghost should have an ETA of when the assigned bot should arrive and if it has picked up the item already. If no item has been picked up and a personal bot can be faster it should replace the assigned bot.

Goes for deconstruction too.
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