New Splitter Idea

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Axon Zshow
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New Splitter Idea

Post by Axon Zshow »

i was thinking about how, when using multiple belts of the same materials, the way to split them to more belts, compress them to fewer belts, and generally balance the belt evenly, the way to do so gets pretty convoluted and messy (and takes up a lot of space). So I thought of a new idea for on, the Line Splitter, a splittter where when multiple are connected together and adjacent, they would split the contents of the input belts and distribute them evenly among all of the output belts. A normal splitter already does this in a way, but can only handle 2 inputs and 2 outputs, the line splitter however would be able to evenly accept and split between several inputs and outputs. Not sure how easy this would be to program, but I feel that late game this would be very helpful for controlling material distribution throughout a factory.
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Re: New Splitter Idea

Post by Nubm2 »

Had a thought about that too. There are fun and easy ways to seperate lanes, but - as you said - they consume a lot of space.

You know what would be nice for endgame? An extended (and probably smart) splitter, that can split a belt into several outputs, one or two lanes in, four belt out, with an option to select an input lane for each output lane. May require energy to work though.
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Re: New Splitter Idea

Post by nobodx »

I'd prefer a splitter, that does exactly what the name suggests.
You insert a single belt (with 2 lanes) and it puts everything on two belts (with 1 lane each)
Whatever enters on the top-lane, will be put on the top belt, same for the bottom one. But the items keep their lanes,eg. iron plate entering on the top-lane will end on the top-lane of the top belt.
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Re: New Splitter Idea

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Topic moved to Ideas and Suggestions
[Edit] : You might want to give a look to this mod : viewtopic.php?f=97&t=20443
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: New Splitter Idea

Post by ssilk »

This idea (in exactly the same constellation) is not new. :)

The problem with searching it is, that finding is quite difficult, cause there are so many ideas about extending the splitter.

But if you read the top posts of this board you can clearly see, that extensions of the belts are not planned and (more or less surely) will not be planned in.
The reason for this is, that the belts as they are tends to messiness and that is something, which is wanted in the game. If you introduce some elements to make handling that easier, it will lose this puzzling messy aspect.
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