And one of those mechanics is the free energy given by solar panels.
Why is free energy bad? Because it provides the player with an obvious choice and optimal solution(100% solar panels and accumulators) to a certain problem (energy management) and therefore limits strategic considerations and different playstyles.
My simple solution to this is changing solar panels so that they break after producing a certain amount of energy. My proposal is that each solar module is able to produce energy of 600 MJ which results in a life span of ~2,5h.
As the player can utilize Drones and automated building, rebuilding and replacing broken solarpanels automatically should not interfere with the gameplay in an annoying way, but instead, it opens up 2 viable different playstyles how a player can manage his energy:
1, Solar modules + Accumulator focused (as it is now)
This method has the advantage of producing very low pollution, however, the 50% efficiency of your accumulators will make rebuilding your solar panels pretty resource intensive, because you need more solar panels for the same amount of energy
2, No/Low number of Accumulators + Steamenergy Backup + (Solar Modules)
In this case you are more resource conservative, as you dont have to reproduce Solar moduls very often. Also you can make good use of your coal, but the disadvantage is, that this method leads to more pollution, as you need to burn lots of flameables.
Another aspect of my suggestion is, that modules may become also a lot more interesting and lead to more "dedicated choices" if energy is a more valueable resource.
The main point of this idea is, to make a certain content, which is coal and steamenergy, of the game "lategame viable", so that the player can make use of resources like coal, fuel blocks and (trees, if you dont have polution problems).
If you are a perfectionist(what every factorio player should be^^), there is no point to keep your steam engines, but instead you go straight to solar panels + accumulators and do not really have to care much about an interesting concept of the game: energy.
But with my idea, the player will have 2 solutions of how he can handle his energy management which both have their up- and downsides.
I am curious of what you think and I hope you like this suggestion. Please do not base your arguments upon bad balancing. My idea is meant to sketch a certain principle, if it does not fit into the current balancing of the game, its not the fault of the idea, but the current balancing, which is neither set in stone nor given by god

Here some additional thoughts I got from the replies:
-Solar panels health degenerate, depending on the energy they produced
-solar panels stack like ammunition
-solar panels cannot be repaired by repairkits anymore
-you can repair/rebuild solar panels by spending solar moduls
-robo ports can be fitted with solar modules(like the repair kits currently) and modules from chests can be used.
-only solar modules with <80% health can be repaired (to avoid drones to be perma-repairing)
(-same for walls maybe)