Quothcrafts Collections

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Quothcrafts Collections

Post by Quothcraft »

Okay heres a few suggestions Id like to put forward:

The big attack waves are fun, so how about sustained waves? Not so many that they overwhelm defenses with a single tide of bodies, but enough that they tax your reserves over time
Water Aliens, standard types but water based, plus a Kracken, grapples onto a ship and slowly deals damage to it, blocking its movement

New Carts!
Radar Cart, has a smaller AoE than the normal Radar and doesnt scan new areas, but lets you keep an eye on your locos
Liquid Cart, carries liquid (shocking, I know)
Defensive Cart, has two slots for turrets.
Passenger Cart, for people to move around in style! Increases healing rate due to medipacks or a bed for sleeping etc etc.

Portable Crates, 4-6 slot creates that can be put onto belts or into trains, cant be put into player backpack while full
Fork-Lift truck, moves the Portable Create
Timed Inserter, rather than grabbing the first item thats in front of it, the Inserter only goes off every X seconds

Transport, attack, sea defenses.

More expensive recipe costs
Roads, cosmetic
Robotic vehicles, Small add-on you attach to a vehicle that gives it AI, follows you or a road similar to a train and its tracks.
Cosmetic objects (fountais, carpets, pillars, chairs etc) to bask in the glory of.

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Re: Quothcrafts Collections

Post by Smarty »

The big attack waves are fun, so how about sustained waves? Not so many that they overwhelm defenses with a single tide of bodies, but enough that they tax your reserves over time
I like this
Water Aliens, standard types but water based, plus a Kracken, grapples onto a ship and slowly deals damage to it, blocking its movement, Transport, attack, sea defenses.
dont really like the water aliens and other things it just doesnt feel good for factorio
New Carts!
Radar Cart, has a smaller AoE than the normal Radar and doesnt scan new areas, but lets you keep an eye on your locos
Liquid Cart, carries liquid (shocking, I know)
Defensive Cart, has two slots for turrets.
Passenger Cart, for people to move around in style! Increases healing rate due to medipacks or a bed for sleeping etc etc.
I would love this that would add a lot more to factorio especially the defesive cart (just think about 10 or 20 trains patrolling your base instead of a huge wall with turrets behind it)
Portable Crates, 4-6 slot creates that can be put onto belts or into trains, cant be put into player backpack while full
Fork-Lift truck, moves the Portable Create
too much trouble to get it working could be fun tho
Timed Inserter, rather than grabbing the first item thats in front of it, the Inserter only goes off every X seconds
I would love that
will be added in 0.12 http://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-87

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