Since "Space Age" is implemented as a mod, and not compatible with vanilla's save, I found that I have to enable/disable mods as needed to concurrently play a game in "Space Age" / continue my sprawling base in Vanilla.The problem is that enabling the "space-age" mod => need to disable/enable other mods as well. And vice versa.
And this is quite tiresome since it needs to be done manually, one by one. And if I miss one mod, I will have to go through the game restart all over again.
Add the feature to the game wherein I can save the "set of mods enabled/disabled", so I can have something like: (1) Vanilla-no-mods, (2) Vanilla-qol-mods, (3) Vanilla-ALL-mods, (4) SpaceAge-no-mods, (5) SpaceAge-ALL-mods, etc.The term can either be "profile" or "set" or "collection" or whatever; I will refer to that set/list as "profile"
Choosing a profile immediately enables a selection of mods, and disables mods not in that profile.
I don't think this is implementable by mods; therefore, the game itself needs to be modified. Hence is why I'm making this suggestion in the Forums.
Implementation Details
- Can be implemented using a simple "list of enabled mods"; mods not in the list should be disabled when the profile/set/collection is loaded
- If a mod is missing -- e.g., player uninstalled/removed the mod -- then no need to prune the list; pruning can happen automatically upon next profile/set/collection save by player
- If the "consist" of enabled mods change, show "Modified" flag / warning, upon which player can save with option to overwrite existing profile/set/collection
- If player loads a different profile while the Modified flag is active, give a warning to the user that they have not saved the modifications to the profile
- The flag should be reset when the profile is saved or overwritten by a newly-loaded profile
- If a profile is loaded, no need to immediately restart the game; just enable/disable the mods accordingly, letting player to restart by clicking "Confirm" as usual