1) Train built on the station (manually or remotely) should count as having stopped at that station, with the station becoming occupied (you can manually build a train on any station, set it's train limit to 1 and see on the map that it's not recognized as occupied -- the station tag text stays white).2) If the train was built on the same station as set in "At specified station" interrupt condition, that condition should trigger.
3) When pasting the blueprint of a train (with no other entities) over rail tracks, switch to locking the ghost train to a station as long as Shift key is held down (same as it locks locomotives to stations when you just place those manually).
1) Treating the train built on the station as occupying that station will prevent other trains from targeting that station and wasting their time.2) Letting the interrupt condition trigger on a made-from-blueprint train (as far as it had it's interrupt rules set beforehand) provides a way to send new trains into the network in a fully controllable fashion (e.g. making sure they have X amount of fuel and not just what the inserter had on it's hand).
3) QoL feature to complement points 1) and 2), as well as on it's own.