Changing/Editing circuit signal or logistic request item should not reset the number value.

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Changing/Editing circuit signal or logistic request item should not reset the number value.

Post by Sworn »

Changing circuit signal or request item should not reset the number value.

It is really annoying when you want to copy or modify a circuit signal, let's say a constant combinator, and when you change the signal, it resets the value to 1.
Even worst as changing the "quality" of the signal also resets the value again.
11-30-2024, 08-46-10.png
11-30-2024, 08-46-10.png (3.91 MiB) Viewed 65 times

Same annoying thing with requester chests, where if you change the item, it resets the count.
11-30-2024, 08-46-22.png
11-30-2024, 08-46-22.png (3.43 MiB) Viewed 65 times

We should be able to edit those things and click on green to confirm, while only changing what we want. The "autonomous" decision to reset the value is undesirable is almost all possible cases.

Have a build circuit, with some signals, and realize that changing A for B would make it better to understand, well why in the world we need to go over the extra step of re adding the value that was already there.

Have a requester chest requesting 1k yellow ammo, and now switching to red ammo, why in the world I need to re add the value.

Why go out of the way to make it worst?

Even worst with space request, where changing the quality of an already selected item, also changes the "default import from".

And EDIT operation, should not change anything automatically besides what the player changed.
Currently behavior doesn't add anything good, it just makes it worst.
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Re: Changing/Editing circuit signal or logistic request item should not reset the number value.

Post by Henour »

It's even worse if you only want to change the quality. So +1 from me.
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