Tried to do the "Express Delivery" Achievement. After it didn't unlock I found out, that achievements got disabled because I set enemy bases to 200% frequency but 50% size. (Wanted to have better chances to have a convenient biter nest for eggs.)
WTF! You can disable enemies by setting the starting area bigger than the map size but you are not allowed to change minor details how enemies are distributed?
Please add a big warning notice on startup settings when you are not eligible for achievements, since it is the opposite of obvious what is affecting them. Event the wiki doesn't mention it.
Achievement warning
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Achievement warning
A popup would be nice for extra clarity. The game does tell you in some ways though if you look closely. On the map creation screen it says if you hover the little info icon that a value less than 100% will disable some achievements, and if you look at the achievements menu in game the disabled achievements are crossed out and red with an explanation why.