Please add unique mechanic details to Agricultural science pack item description

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Please add unique mechanic details to Agricultural science pack item description

Post by valneq »

I am seeing repeated "bug reports" or "complaints" about the agricultural science pack mechanic not being explained by the game. I know there is a literal entry in the tips&tricks about it – yet still many people seem to not read / see it.

In fact, I was just hanging out in a stream where a chatter was complaining about that not being explained anywhere in the game, even suggested it *should* be explained in the tips & tricks – and the streamer agreed with them. I had to point out they were wrong.

There is precedent for a unique science pack item description: space science pack. It has a sentence added in how it differs from the science packs that came before. Considering that the spoilage percentage of the agricultural science pack is a unique mechanic, I think it's justified to make it abundantly clear to the players.
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