Add stone as a byproduct to some asteroid crushing recipe, so that stone can be naturally obtained on space platforms.What?
Currently, it is possible to obtain iron, copper, calcite, coal, water and all oil products on space platforms from asteroid chunk crushing recipes and their derivatives. However, it is impossible to obtain stone on space platforms without using rocket launches. Suggestion: change some asteroid crushing recipe or add a new recipe in order to also allow for infinite stone generation on space platforms.Why?
Three main reasons:- This change would make space platforms much more self sufficient and allow them to also efficiently produce military science and production science, as well as oil refineries, chemical plants, walls, furnaces, etc. This would allow for interesting challenge games where players can make gigantic self-sufficient space platforms that produce all non-planet-specific science packs.
- Extra logistical challenge from having to deal with an extra byproduct in space.
- Stony-type asteroids are the second most common type of asteroid in real life. From that standpoint, stone could maybe be an extra byproduct of advanced oxide asteroid crushing?