Could non-gameplay-altering mods have Steam achievements allowed?

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Burner Inserter
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Could non-gameplay-altering mods have Steam achievements allowed?

Post by FactorioFan822 »

There are some mods that don't alter the gameplay, but provide UI-only useful features. Would it be possible to allow Steam achievements with these mods?

For example, I couldn't see myself playing without for planning how many factories building Widget X and Widget Y I need to produce a full belt of Widget Y for my main bus..but once the planning is done I still have to build everything by hand just like any other player. It feels weird that I'm not getting the achievements just because the math was done in-game, rather than in an out-of-game spreadsheet.

I believe achieves the same thing, and I'm sure there's many other UI-only mods that I'm unaware of that are still very helpful to other players.

As an option right now I can just download the standalone version of the game, and run two instances of Factorio, one standalone one with the mods to do the calculations, then a vanilla Steam one that I can alt-tab over into to play with the achievements intact..but it feels silly to have to do that. :mrgreen:
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