Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

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Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by imi___ »

Once quality modules are researched, setting up a recipe needs an extra click or "e" press. Before that, the recipe selection closes directly when

This is annoying, as 99.99% of the time, I don't want any quality setting for the ingredients. If I do, I could always just set the quality first and then click on the recipe, so I don't see a good reason why we have to have this extra click Every. Single. Time. ;-(
10-26-2024, 01-21-28.png
10-26-2024, 01-21-28.png (218.66 KiB) Viewed 3445 times
Last edited by imi___ on Sat Oct 26, 2024 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Could we not have the extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown?

Post by FritzHugo3 »

This is the wrong forum, it is nocht a bugreport, it is an suggestion right?

(You can dobbleclick the Item or with "e" you can close the windows, you dont must click the button)
- And Yes ther should be an game option for this - but wrong forum, maybe a moderator can be move this Thread?
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Re: Could we not have the extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown?

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Not a bug. Moved to Ideas and Suggestions.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Could we not have the extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown?

Post by imi___ »

I disagree that this is a "feature suggestion" instead of a bug. My mistake was to formulate the title it in a way that sounded like the current implementation was correct.

The difference between an bug and a feature request is: A "bug" is an unintended or incorrect behavior that deviates from the intended design, while a "feature request" is a suggestion to add or change functionality that aligns with or extends the intended design.

I SINCERELY doubt that it was intentionally that Wube introduced this useless extra UI step (doesn't matter whether you need to double-click or press 'e') every time you set up a recipe. Instead, I bet you that the (unintended) extra step came to be because the engine treats the quality setting as a "config" and if there are configs, you now have to set these up and press "e" to accept - same for e.g. choosing amounts and the operator when setting up a conditions.

The difference to setting up counts in conditions is: you basically always want to set up an operator and an amount, otherwise the setting is not complete in the users mind. You basically never want to set up the ingredient quality, so its not appropiate UX design to have the user confirm this "setting".

Not every bug is a crash. This should be fixed. Please move it into the appropriate forum.

PS: changed the posting title that it doesn't look like I am not talking about a "new feature suggestion"
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by sarge945 »

I have gotten pretty used to double clicking, but I agree it is somewhat annoying occasionally.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Alwego »


Set recipe in assembling machine now is frustrating.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by waitofaiorur »

Agreed! Perhaps a toggle could be added?
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Kyralessa »

I agree that this is an annoyance.

As the OP said, the vast majority of the time I just want normal quality. Setting a different quality should be an exceptional step rather than a regular step for every single item. In particular, it trips me up on on some items that I would think don't even have quality, such as the each (*) signal.

I'm reminded of this Joel on Software article:

Asking the user to make a decision isn’t in itself a bad thing....

The problem comes when you ask them to make a choice that they don’t care about.
I hope for a future release, some UI thought will go into this to find a way to set quality only in the uncommon, rare, epic, or legendary case where we actually want it.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Super »

I don't really like the extra click either
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Wiwiweb »

  • Let a click on a recipe instantly choose that recipe. If I want to change the quality level, I can do it first, through the dropdown or the alt+shift+scroll hotkey.
  • Let the recipe selector UI remember the last quality used instead of defaulting to normal, to reduce even further the number of times I'd want to change the quality level.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by ordnanceConfigurator »

+1 as well. please only make the confirmation required if you fiddle with quality first, or at least give us an option for that. its really unpleasant to be punished with worse ux just for researching something
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Lubricus »

Super annoying and it is also when setting filters and stuff not just recipes. I hope they can fix it so we can set standard quality without extra clicks.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by FritzHugo3 »

The thing is, not every player is going to want to use the quality strips and these people need to be able to switch them off for the interface!

And even for those who want to use the feature, there should always be a default value - why not do it that way? If you want to change the quality, you SHOULD set the quality BEFORE and than you click on the recipe, the window closes again, just like before
Does that sound good for all players? Then nobody has to click a second time who doesn't need it, nobody is annoyed (and there's also an option in the main menu to hide the selection field).

It also makes no sense to display the selection for the quality before you have even researched the technology!

And because a dropdown takes up too much time, just make 5 dot symbols with one, two, three, four, five symbols to click on directly. Would be much faster
grafik.png (17.85 KiB) Viewed 3088 times
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Yes I am a big artist Kappa. But the idea are clear enought I think.

What would you say to these proposed solutions?
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Kyralessa »

One thing I've found that makes it more palatable is to go into Settings > Controls > Basic interaction and set Enter as a secondary key for Confirm window.

This might also help with the issue of "e" appearing when typing numbers.

The only other thing Enter is used for is getting in and out of vehicles.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Uktos »

I think you could remove this selector for assembling machines, and use the quality of the inputs like the furnaces (and if you have differents quality in input, take the lowest).

It’ll better for players who want to play without quality.
But it’ll better for the others too! I tried a quality module on a drill, then I saw my first uncommon ore 8-) I followed it, it be burned in a furnace to a uncommon plate 8-)
15min after my research was stuck… Because my uncommon plate had blocked a « common » assembling machine… I had to clean all my belts manually :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by EustaceCS »

Lack of "any quality" option for logistics orders/limits hits much harder IMHO.
Of course there ARE "any" option.
But it is unable to have minimum request sent. Which makes it kinda obsolete for anything ecxept auto-thrashing.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by Kyralessa »

Uktos wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:13 pm It’ll better for players who want to play without quality.
But...it's already not there if you play without quality.

Quality is a mod, so you just have to uncheck it. Not sure if it's required for Space Age, but even if it is, you can just not research the quality modules and they'll never become available, and neither will the GUI changes.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by GrumpyJoe »

+1 to set standard as default without confirmation.

Not only in recipe selection.
Also in map view, selecting a building that you dont have on your hotbar.

As soon as quality kicks in to your desired gameplay, you have your BPs ready.
Before that, and that might be a looooong time, you just wanna fiddle around with builds, add here or there.

What you you have in your hotbar behaves like a BP, for everything else, the extra step is so unlike the Factorio/Wube we got to know.
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Re: Unintended extra click when setting up recipes due to the "Quality" dropdown.

Post by ampera »


This really bugs me. I think I could get used to it, but one more move and click (or 2 keys since you can double tap "e" instead) is significant when it's something you do a lot. What's particularly odd to me is that the GUI changes *mid run* and will do so on every run.

In fact, I have bad enough RSI that I actually think this extra click might be a long term accessibility issue for me. I'd like to be able to use the feature, but I'm concerned that it might not be worth the reduction in the amount of time I can play a week due to my RSI (more clicks/tap = more stress on my hands). I haven't measured it or anything, but I try to be nice to my hands because I'm also a software engineer.

My thoughts are:
  • Ideally, the GUI would behave the old way all the time, but would have some way to *opt-in* to setting the quality selection. People recommended requiring the quality be selected first, which makes a lot of sense to me, but I'm flexible.
  • If not that, have a way to turn off the quality GUI entirely even after researching quality. This would allow me to turn off the quality GUI and only turn it on when I'm actually building a sub-factory that operates is designed to build high quality things.
  • It would be cool to have a way to set the default quality so that you don't have to change it all the time when building a bunch of machines that are setup to work with quality. (this combines well with #1 as well.)
Workaround: Preliminary testing shows that the https://mods.factorio.com/mod/no-quality mod can be enabled to remove the fact that you already researched quality modules, and then disable the mod again and reresearch quality modules to enable it again. This will at least allow me to continue by save and then hopefully reenable quality much later when this GUI issue is fixed.
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