There should be a away to tell the space platform to send full cargo pods, whole stacks or at least wait a bit before sending a pod down.What ?
Here is an example: I make space science on the platform, and there is a whole batch arriving via the belt.It feels kind of weird to me, that the space platform would send each space science in it's own cargo pod. At least almost, sometimes the pods also contain a few more science packs. In the screenshot the cargo pods each contain only a few packs, while a few milliseconds later 26 science packs arrive from inserters in the platforms cargo bay.
I kind of expected to have an option to tell the platform one of these conditions to send cargo down:
- Only send a full stack of item X.
- Send pod with item X if count of item > N.
- Wait N seconds if item X is in cargo bay, before sending it via cargo pod.
- Wait N seconds if a new pod could be sent, and then pack and send it.
I tried batching before inserting the science packs using an RS latch, but as soon as the first few science packs get into the bay, the cargo pods (3 pods!) are starting. And then I have to wait until the cargo pods have arrived, before the other 26 packs are sent.