Map view bookmarks hotkeys.

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Long Handed Inserter
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Map view bookmarks hotkeys.

Post by Dmytrozern »

Remember Ctrl+1,2,3 groups in RTS? Pretty much the same things, but instead of selecting units, your camera pans to saved location.
Make bookmarks for views similar to when you double select a group in RTS and the view is panned to that group. Or as Houdini software. This has probably been done somewhere else too.
Why ?
When you have a big or/and several distanced factories, it's a bit tedious and sometimes long to zoom in/out each time you need to see it. Fixed view anchors that you can jump to are a nice QoL feature.
Primarily a vanilla player. Enjoy extreme rail world death worlds with biter expansion and a 10x+ tech price. Do not feel much fun after the tech tree is fully researched.
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