Rocket launching would greatly benefit from finer and more flexible control options.

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Manual Inserter
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Rocket launching would greatly benefit from finer and more flexible control options.

Post by JerkedBeef »

Something I find to be a disappointment at the moment is how basic rocket logistics controls are. In my case, I wanted to automate launching agricultural science of mixed qualities but found out it's simply not possible. Both the quality mechanic and agricultural science are new features that play really well together, so it would've made a lot of sense to use them together.

As of now, rockets can't simply be automated for mixed items because it's incapable of processing conditions such as:
- rocket full (regardless of different items or qualities)
- circuit conditions
- "any" quality logistic request

IMO granting more nuanced control over rocket silos would greatly improve the overall feel of interplanetary logistics. In this context, quality agricultural science feels like a missed opportunity unless you decide to make Gleba your home base for research, but any added flexibility would still be plenty useful for just general purposes.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Rocket launching would greatly benefit from finer and more flexible control options.

Post by zero0000000 »

YES PLEASE! I have the same issue with mixed quality science!
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