Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

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Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

Post by sadris »

It would be nice if we could parameterize the planet for station settings.

I have a complicated wait condition, but if I want to set up a new wait condition for a different planet than Fulgora, I must delete the entire stanza of commands, and re-create them again with a new planet.

If you try to blueprint the Space platform hub and then parameterize it, you cannot change the destination planet(s) per stanza.
11-10-2024, 19-25-36.png
11-10-2024, 19-25-36.png (19.72 KiB) Viewed 470 times
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Re: Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

Post by PsY- »

To add on to UI changes to this, I was also missing a button like the left and right arrows on the research queue to change the order of planet visits without completely re-creating all the conditions etc.
Last edited by PsY- on Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

Post by Tinyboss »

PsY- wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:08 am To add on to UI changes to this, I was also missing a button like the left and right arrows on the search queue to change the order of planet visits without completely re-creating all the conditions etc.
Drag them by the little textured part to the right of the "unload" checkbox.
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Re: Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

Post by Tomycj »

This is one of the cases where the ability to copy-paste departure conditions would help. Imagine being able to shift-right click on the UI tile that says [Fulgora - unload] to copy all conditions in it and shift-left click on another one (say [Vulcanus - unload]) to paste them there.

On top of that, you could shift-rc a specific condition (like [Circuit [G]>0] ) and shift-lc over another one in order to paste it there.
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Re: Better Ship/Platform scheduling UI

Post by credomane »

I dunno how applicable it is to your setups but I have all common circuit/cargo conditions on a single combinator just so I don't have all the fuel and ammo/rockets checks cluttering up the schedule. Just have a single circuit "Green check > 0" on each station. Speeds things way up while keeping them simple. Especially on my hauler platform that does a never ending loop through all the planets making deliveries of necessities. So each new planet is a quick addition.

Each of my stations have identical conditions this is my hauler's. Not at my computer to get screenshots so please don't mind the terrible descriptions.

Circuit Condition Green Check > 0
AND All Request satisfied
AND Wait 30s.
Circuit Condition Green Check > 0
AND Wait 120s.

Then the combinator has something like
Firearm Magazine > 600 (I'm lazy and have not yet switched out the platform to making piercing)
AND Rockets > 200
AND Fuel > 20k
AND Oxidizer > 20k
OUTPUT Green Check = 1

I even have a display panel wired up to show some of the missing stuff by "percentage". Basically:

Icon normal rocket when rockets < 50
Icon uncommon rocket when rockets < 100
Icon rare rocket when rockets < 150
Icon epic rocket when rockets < 200
Icon legendary rocket when rockets >= 200
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