[2.x] Character does not move with exiting Editor mode

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[2.x] Character does not move with exiting Editor mode

Post by Hiekie »

Maybe it's not really a bug but changed behavior in Factorio 2.x

I have beside my normal game a second save which i use for testing and viewing things and thereby switching on and off to the editor mode. i use that editor mode primairily for modifying / editing my blueprints. (so you don't have to wait until the bots have placed everything etc) when i am satisfied with my edited blueprint i save it in the library and then load up my norma save to progress with the achievements

In version 1.x the character appeared on the place where you moved to with editor mode enabled en then exiting the editor
In Version 2.x the character stays on it's original place where you activated the editor mode so you still have to walk or drive with te car to the place where you placed (in my situation) the blueprint to modify
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Re: [2.x] Character does not move with exiting Editor mode

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This was decided to be changed for space-age due to space platforms and the heavy use of remote view. If you don't want that behavior you can go into "The Rest" settings GUI and customize it with the two "editor" related settings (just search for them).
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: [2.x] Character does not move with exiting Editor mode

Post by Hiekie »

Resolved for my playground save,
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