A trading chest, currency, land rights and a trade ordering UI, for player to order/sell/buy items.What ?
- Seller post the item he wants to sell on the trading UI, with price per unit (player can also say they want to buy items in chat)
- Buyer orders an amount
- Seller ships items to the buyer's trading chest
- When the item arrives, the seller is automatically credited with currency
- The game stops moving item if the buyer is out of currency or if the ordered amount has been satisfied
- Resource are distant and rare, which is a time-sink, which forces player to buy and sell ressources
- At the beginning of the game, there is an existing rail track connecting players
- Each player start with one locomotive, one wagon, and one trading chest
- Each player receives a bit currency every minute: 1, then 2, then 3 etc
- Currency is destroyed when player buys land, or when they buy items from other players (1% or 10% tax)
- Players can buy land from the game (price might increase (or not) based on time/resources available/how much land is available/surface, etc)
- Players who join the game "late" sill benefit from the currency gift bonus and tech research
- Offline player's bases are inactive: can be solve when the server is turned on at certain hours.
- When a player is offline for too long (one week?), his land is reset.
Why ?
I have the opinion that Factorio multiplayer is currently not enough interesting to most players.Trading, land rights and scarce resources make the multiplayer more challenging and interesting to play.
I don't know if land right or trading chests could be easily achieved with a mod
I also posted about this in 2020: viewtopic.php?p=495461