Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

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Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

Post by AsterixSharp101 »

Make it so armour held in your mouse but grabbed from your armour slot still counts as equipped until you place it in another slot, preventing accidental item spill or death

What ?
When you unequip power armour or modular armour, your inventory immediately shrinks while the armour is still held in your mouse, dropping any extra items and making you vulnerable to biters. It would be nice if the game considered the armour equipped until the armour item was placed in another inventory slot other than your armour slot, giving you the option to place it back if you did not intend to grab it.
power armor held in mouse.png
power armor held in mouse.png (287.87 KiB) Viewed 513 times
Here you can see that I am holding modular armour in my hand over by my logistics trash, having just picked it up from my armour slot. The slot still has the hand icon, showing that I grabbed it from there, however my inventory has shrunk. I think it would be better to have the armour still count as equipped until that hand disappears due to me placing the armour elsewhere (eg. putting it in my inventory or dropping it).
Why ?
It is common to unintentionally pick up modular armour while trying to access its grid, by clicking the wrong mouse button. This can easily result in you spilling any excess items in your inventory all over the ground and possibly onto belts. Additionally, if you are under attack (say you were trying to equip extra shields to survive a spitter), it can result in your death as you will have no armour on.
I found two suggestions on how to fix this in the forums but believe my way would be better:

Hot key to access armor grid:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=102807&p=570450&hil ... or#p570450

Would it be possible to make it harder to take off armor?

I believe that both of these solutions are somewhat inelegant because adding a hotkey would be adding a second way to do a relatively simple thing, and preventing you from removing if your inventory is filled prevents intentional removal of the armour.
With my solution, if you were to accidentally pick up your armour instead of opening the grid, you could simply put the armour back with no consequences, but if you wished to take the armour off it would be just as easy as normal.

This is my first time posting, please let my know if I didn't follow all the rules/guidelines, though I have gone over them as thoroughly as I could.

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Re: Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

Post by Dogmai »

Oh my god yes, I always click the wrong button.

You did well mate.

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Re: Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

Post by Kyralessa »

AsterixSharp101 wrote:
Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:50 am
...and preventing you from removing if your inventory is filled prevents intentional removal of the armour.
Right, but remember the question I asked:

Does anybody really ever intend to remove their armor without replacing it with a different armor?

My feeling is: No, nobody ever does this on purpose. It's always a mistake.

Anyway it could also be an option, so that people who love spilling their inventory by accident can disable the option and keep on doing it.

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Re: Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

Post by AsterixSharp101 »

Kyralessa wrote:
Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:39 am
Does anybody really ever intend to remove their armor without replacing it with a different armor?
Getting the achievement for getting run over by a train comes to mind, though possible with weaker armor i suppose.

My stance on this is that while preventing the player from removing it is a possible solution, it wouldn't be necessary if your armor counted as equipped in your mouse because it would be obvious that you failed to open the equipment grid and you could put it back easily.

I feel like it could cause confusion to prevent the player from wearing no armor after they equip any, because players expect the armor slot to be just like other slots; that is, you can put things into it and take things out just as easily. A new player might be confused by being unable to stop wearing armor, as they expect it to behave just like every other slot in their inventory, including the guns and other items in that corner.

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Re: Don't spill inventory when power armor is held in mouse

Post by sarge945 »

Just an addendum to this:

If you place down your armour by picking up another item of the same type, it should also not shrink your inventory and essentially still count the old one as "equipped" until you place down the new one.

So lets say I have 2 sets of power armour, one is equipped with exoskeletons for fast movement, the other is full of lasers for killing biters.

If I switch by picking up the second set and equipping it over my current set, it works fine. If I remove mine and click the new set, all hell breaks loose.

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