Detailed consumption statistics per item

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Burner Inserter
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Detailed consumption statistics per item

Post by Erichteia »

Give a more detailed overview of which processes are consuming a specific item in what amount, similar to the pollution consumption graph. This would make it much easier to analyse bottlenecks and understand where all items are going.
What ?
2.0 will already come with some nice changes in the production statistics. However, there is still 1 feature that is missing, in my opinion. It is currently not possible to track which process consumes what amount of a product. With one notable exception: pollution. In my opinion, it should be possible to get a consumption graph similar to the graph for pollution for every other item in Factorio. So you don't only know how much iron/copper/... you are consuming, but also what is consuming all your iron/copper...

It could be shown as a new production screen that looks exactly like the pollution screen: the left shows all the processes creating a product, and the right shows all the processes consuming a product. Another way to visualise it is using flow charts, such as in the Kirkmcdonald app (, visualise tab). However, this might be difficult to integrate when the statistics are changing over time.

Optionally, it would be amazing if we could 'chain' these productions: e.g., I'm not just interested in how many legendary circuits I needed for my legendary modules, but how much basic iron ore did it cost to create them? These chains would probably need to be estimated in case of stochastic productions for performance reasons (as you don't want to store the complete history of each item), which is fine.
Why ?
In my opinion, this feature would be useful from early game to megabases, for both beginners and experts. There a several examples below, most of which are related to understanding bottlenecks, analysing shortages and checking efficiencies:
  • Early on, the balance between science production and factory building rapidly changes (in both directions). It would be helpful for new players to understand that balance. And understand that they really should scale up.
  • It helps to understand whether a shortage is temporary or problematic: e.g., did you just waste all your iron and copper on a legendary power armor mk 2 (not a problem, only a temporary spike in demand), or is there a fundamental shortage for science production?
  • It helps when scaling a base for science, modules and quality infrastructure, as it is easier to estimate what fraction of your production goes where. Do you need a significant amount of additional production for your infrastructure? Or is science devouring already all your items.
  • It enables more strategic planning where to put the highest quality modules, the best beacons etc first.
  • It would play well with spoilage (or the trash byproducts common in overhaul mods), as it is currently impossible to see post hoc what spoiled in what amount (as far as I know).
  • It helps to notice unwanted train biases in larger train bases (mostly a new problem for 2.0): did you accidentally set up your train station priority such that all the iron gets delivered to the same station (e.g. the quality sink instead of producing actual science)?
  • It helps to notice 'oopsies' on an interplanetary scale: are you accidentally voiding a lot of 1 material on 1 planet, while it would be super useful to tackle a shortage on another planet (looking at you, Space Exploration).
  • It makes the statistics much more meaningful. You can immediately see how many rails you built (which is currently dwarfed by production science), where all the electronic circuits go... Overall, it would be a very satisfying thing to dive into when the factory is hard at work for math nerds like me, as it enables you to visualise the entire flow of goods over time.
Regarding UPS, I don't expect it to be very expensive (but I might be very wrong). The consumption is already tracked. You would need more memory (as you need to log the consumption of every item by every possible crafting recipe), but I don't expect it to be significant compared to other memory requirements. Especially as you rarely need to load it into RAM. Worst case, you could downsample the data points after some time to keep the memory requirements constant over a playthrough (if this isn't done already). You only need 1000 samples to create a good-looking graph anyway, regardless of the time scale.

There have been other proposals to improve the production graph, such as
viewtopic.php?p=610787#p610787 (compare actual consumption to desired consumption)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=52326 (equalise the axes of production and consumption).
But I felt it was sufficiently different to warrant its own discussion.

Let me know what you think!
Last edited by Erichteia on Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Smart Inserter
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Re: Detailed consumption statistics per item

Post by mmmPI »

Copper ore will always go into the same process, which is being turned into plate.

There could be different kind of furnaces used to do that, electric, steel, stone, and different modules in them and beacons, and also electricity available and so on...

What is supposed to be shown ? if you have 32 furnaces that have different modules/beacons coverage, it should show 32 different process consuming copper ore ? or just 1 ?

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Detailed consumption statistics per item

Post by Erichteia »

mmmPI wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:33 pm
Copper ore will always go into the same process, which is being turned into plate.

There could be different kind of furnaces used to do that, electric, steel, stone, and different modules in them and beacons, and also electricity available and so on...

What is supposed to be shown ? if you have 32 furnaces that have different modules/beacons coverage, it should show 32 different process consuming copper ore ? or just 1 ?
I do not have a strong preference in that case. Probably just saying all copper ore gets turned into copper plates suffices. Splitting it per machine might be interesting in this case, but could become too cluttered if you add, e.g., assemblers and EM plants for all circuits. But I assume there are quite a bit of choices to be made to turn this idea into a practical GUI

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