Super force build should be the default.

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Super force build should be the default.

Post by Seanyjolhv »

Blueprints should default to super force build in 2.0 because I hate trees.

The default keybinds for "place blueprint" and "super force build blueprint" should be swapped in 2.0.

When placing blueprints in 2.0, I have 3 options:

Build: it will fail to place if trees, machines or water is in the way

Force build: the blueprint places, leaving out parts intersecting machines or water, but will place over trees.

Super Force Build: Ctrl Shift Click will place blueprints the same as Shift click, but with landfill underneath.

Now, let us look at the general use cases for each of these (as far as i know):

1. Normal Build: "I want to put this here, perhaps meshing with a previous blueprint, and don't want to mess it up by misclicking."
Alternatively, "I don't know if I have any machines under it, and don't want to mess it up if there are."

2. Force Build:" I want to build this here, but don't want to do so over water "(because landfill is expensive or because water can't be replaced)

3. Super Force Build: "I want to build this here."

In my opinion, Normal build is utterly useless unless you've already used a tree deconstruction planner on your entire base, and even afterwards has only a marginal amount of utility.

Force build is very useful, but in most cases, if I attempt to place a blueprint on water, I want the blueprint on the water, so Super Force build would be a better default.

My suggestion is that, in the default keybindings, a click uses Super force build, shift click uses Force build, and ctrl shift click uses Normal build. This is ranked in order of the frequency of use by the average player that i would expect.
Perhaps Force build should be the default instead of Super Force Build. However, I am vehemently against Normal build. If it were removed from the game I wouldn't even notice.

I believe that, since Force build is used much more than Normal build, if Normal build were replaced with Super Force build, it wouldn't be too jarring for muscle memory either.

I would like to hear any opinions on the topic.
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Re: Super force build should be the default.

Post by Murklak »

I would prefer Force build to be the default because if my imperfect clicking causes an overlap with, let's say, my rail signals, I want that to fail. I would therefore use the keybind for Force build every time just to save myself the frustration.

If they change nothing, we'll still be able to change the keybinds to create the effect we want.
I am vehemently against Normal build. If it were removed from the game I wouldn't even notice.
You're right. Normal mode can go the way of the pickaxe.

Edit: When making changes, it's worth considering whether the change is for veteran players or fresh players with no muscle memory. I think this falls firmly in the camp of changes for fresh players. That means the default should be the lowest risk option and a hotkey should be used to modify the action.
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Re: Super force build should be the default.

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Seanyjolhv wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:30 am TLDR
Blueprints should default to super force build in 2.0 [...]
I'm against this. If while laying blueprints I accidentally misclick, I don't want it deconstructing a section of my base on me to make room for that blueprint.
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Re: Super force build should be the default.

Post by Illiander42 »

Agree that this is a bad idea.

Anyone who wants it can swap the keybinds easily enough.
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Re: Super force build should be the default.

Post by Kyralessa »

I agree, it shouldn't be the default, because it's destructive. With keybinds one can make it the default. Not everybody will want that.
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