Mods disabling Steam achievements undermines mods as a means of delivering quality of life features, potentially harms the new player experience, and does not prevent people from unlocking the achievements fraudulently.What ?
Mods should not disable Steam achievements.Why ?
So I'm sure this has been discussed to death in the past, but hear me out. I have friends who, despite not being completionists, enjoy Steam achievements and will occasionally chase achievements in games they really like. Some of these friends have experience with other factory builder games, and some of those factory builder games include features at baseline that Factorio requires mods for (e.g., Satisfactory basically has Bottleneck and Rate Calculator built right into the game). When I convince those friends to play Factorio, they have to make the follow choice:- Play without mods and deal with the absence of quality of life features they're used to from other games
- Use quality of life mods and deal with Steam achievements being disabled
- Use quality of life mods and track down a dll mod to re-enable Steam achievements, if there are any that are up to date at the time
In general, relying on mods for optional quality of life features is really smart design that lets players implement the features they care about while the devs focus on content. But that's completely undermined when you punish players for using those quality of life mods by disabling reward systems like achievements. I've heard people argue in the past that this doesn't matter because achievements are meaningless, but like, if that's the case, why do they exist in the first place?
That's it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.