buffer vs passive provider chest

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buffer vs passive provider chest

Post by dog80 »

You build purple science which requests rails, when setting the requester chest for this purple and set "request from buffer chests" it will priorities taking from buffer chests all over the world, instead of taking from the passive provider chest which is right next to purple production.

Shouldnt bots have the same priority over buffer and passive provider chests when it is set to "request from buffer chests" in the requester chest. This way bots would simply take from passive providers as well as buffer chests but not priorities taking from buffer chests.
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Re: buffer vs passive provider chest

Post by Necronium »

Dont see any problem here if you make priorities for passive and buffer chests the same one of them would be more or less useless. Your example can be fixed by placing those buffer chests near where they are needed rather than "out in the world" or adding second chest for requestor that will ask for those items from only passive provider.
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