Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

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Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by Durahl »

I'd like to see the implementation of an optional Transparent ( and ) Monochrome UI
What ?
As someone who recently upgraded his old TV to an OLED one I've become very cautious which games I now play on it due to the ever so present risk of burnin' caused by static elements like a games UI or an OS Taskbar / Header.
Because of this I was wondering if we could have the option to have the UI turn transparent ( with a degree of transparency slider? ) and maybe even make it less colorfull ( close to monochromatic ) as the newly added red and green schematics buttons, with their high contrast nature, pose an additional risk to OLEDs.
Why ?
While I don't think this would add much benefit to ANYONE in the Factorio Community it would give us OLED Screen Users some much needed peace of mind due to how long a typical session end up being ;)

If not considered - Would there be at least an option to manually edit the Graphics myself and if so, where and how?
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Re: Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by ohmyfactorio »

You can edit the graphics in your-factorio-directory/data/base/graphics
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Re: Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by jamiechi1 »

There is no such thing as 'burn-in' issues on any monitors that have been produced in many years.
There may have been some issues with plasma displays, but lcd and led displays do not have that problem.
Edit: OLED displays apparently do have some issues with 'burn-in' but you would have to have the game running for hours a day with nothing on the screen ever changing. I doubt in this game, that would be an issue.
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Re: Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by ssilk »

Sound like
“I would like to have the option to pull the front window in my car down, cause I won’t like all the insects shmashing into it”
“Please can I change the lamp color of my bicycle to red (like the backlights), cause white LED will have shorter lifetime”
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Re: Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by Durahl »

Sorry for the late response... I, apparently, never signed up to my own thread 🤣
ohmyfactorio wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2019 2:55 pm You can edit the graphics in your-factorio-directory/data/base/graphics
Sweet, I'll be having a look at those some then!
jamiechi1 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:45 pm There is no such thing as 'burn-in' issues on any monitors that have been produced in many years.
There may have been some issues with plasma displays, but lcd and led displays do not have that problem.
Edit: OLED displays apparently do have some issues with 'burn-in' but you would have to have the game running for hours a day with nothing on the screen ever changing. I doubt in this game, that would be an issue.
Yea... My 2017 released and 2019 bought SONY KD-77A1 OLED would beg to differ as it is clearly showing burn-in effects of what are basically my Browsers Favorite Bar Icons - Despite putting a lot of effort into putting the Browser into F11 Fullscreen Mode whenever possible and while the affected area only becomes visible to the naked eye when showing a monochromatic colored screen ( like the green splash screen of the Xbox Boot Sequence ) it still is there and thus an issue to be mindful off - Hence my question.
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Re: Option for Transparent / Monochrome UI?

Post by eradicator »

OLED is pretty common for phones these days i think. And my 5 year old phone (luckily?) doesn't show any issues despite having colored status bars on the screen lots of the time. Also some manufactureres seem to offer official "refresher" tools? I know that for really old LEDs you basically just had to "shake" the pixel enough by fast flickering for prolonged periods of time. Though for OLEDs the cause of burn-in seems to be uneven wear, so that might not work. TL;DR: You might also want to look into more generic methods of dealing with burn-in.
Durahl wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:55 pm Transparent ( and ) Monochrome UI
Would there be at least an option to manually edit the Graphics myself and if so, where and how?
As mentioned above icons are just .png files. If you're lucky they're also wrapped up in a data stage prototype somewhere which would make it easier to procedurally (and non-permanently) make them "darker". Png manipulation has the benefit of not being a "mod" though and thus working in multiplayer without other people being affected too.
Most of the GUIs visual appearance is specified in GuiStyle and moddable, so transparency should be doable. Though realistically - given the edge-case nature of your request - nobody is going to make that mod for you. You'll have to learn to do it yourself. Modding help is available on the forum/discord/etc.
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