could be some interesting possibilities here.
currently for what I do I have to check on each tick check fluid boxes and update temp of fluid.
Not a big thing does impact ups but I'm sure others will fine a way to utilize a more generic event.
not to the detriment of causing an overall decrease in performance though player craft likely to be far less impactfull
on_player_crafted_item => on_entity_crafted_item
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: on_player_crafted_item => on_entity_crafted_item
I can't imagine how many millions events this would have to fire every second at megabase level. Wouldn't that be terribly resource consuming (for the moderate overall benefits) ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: on_player_crafted_item => on_entity_crafted_item
fair enough that was a concern I had hence the "not to the detriment of causing an overall decrease in performance" that being said I know event filters are a thing and no idea how it has been actually implemented, if it a query then action then yeah no way but if its a like I want to say a bsp tree/table added on recipe changed then maybe.. I know bsp is wrong term, just can't think of best term.
thank you for the response.
thank you for the response.