It would be nice to have an Option to display the Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side horizontal instead stacked vertical.What/Why ?
In the old days with 4:3 screens the world was normal and you have plenty vertical space to drive your vehicle around.With all the new screens with 16:9, 21:9 and even more the vertical real estate is shrinking.
It happens to me all the time when driving around a whole biter base is hinding behind the Toolbelts/Quickbars and when you notice it is to late and get atacked.
It would be more practical tho have the Toolbelts/Quickbars depending on the resolution in pairs side by side or in a long row on the bottom of the screen.
On widescreens even more the four Toolbelts/Quickbars could be fitted on screen.
I hope its clear what my vision is.
It would be a great QoL improvement.