Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side

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Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side

Post by Jakson »

It would be nice to have an Option to display the Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side horizontal instead stacked vertical.
What/Why ?
In the old days with 4:3 screens the world was normal and you have plenty vertical space to drive your vehicle around.
With all the new screens with 16:9, 21:9 and even more the vertical real estate is shrinking.

It happens to me all the time when driving around a whole biter base is hinding behind the Toolbelts/Quickbars and when you notice it is to late and get atacked.

It would be more practical tho have the Toolbelts/Quickbars depending on the resolution in pairs side by side or in a long row on the bottom of the screen.
On widescreens even more the four Toolbelts/Quickbars could be fitted on screen.

I hope its clear what my vision is.
It would be a great QoL improvement.
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Re: Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side

Post by Ghoulish »

I whole heartedly agree! When you have 4 bars shown it covers a fair chunk of the screen - the important central bit. Attacking biters in a north south direction means your view is more limited, they also seem to get in the way when I'm trying to align the bottom of a big blueprint.

1.png (296.28 KiB) Viewed 1407 times

For me it's far more natural to have the bars side by side (though they aren't centred on the screen here). And one step further would be to move the armor / ammo UI to the left (attached) To bars 9 and 3

2.png (287.95 KiB) Viewed 1407 times

Personally I would prefer such a layout, or how about increasing the number of buttons shown in each row so more horizontal real estate is used (15?). When I think to other similar games they seem to spread the UI elementals across more of the screen, rather than have this central chunk, perhaps that's a big part of things.

It is after all SO much harder to attack biters from another direction.. or temporarily reduce the number of bars /s... I'd just prefer it for the bottom UI to be more spread out.
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Re: Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side

Post by Jakson »

Exactly my thought.
And thanks for the Screenshots
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Re: Toolbelts/Quickbars side by side

Post by jodokus31 »

+1 could be useful
Btw: For detecting bases while driving, the minimap is helpfull
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