Log CTRL-Z Actions, Affected Entities & Locations to Chat

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Log CTRL-Z Actions, Affected Entities & Locations to Chat

Post by gghf »

Please log actions taken, entities affected and their coordinates to chat any time that CTRL-Z is pressed.
What ?
Occasionally I use CTRL-Z expecting something specific to happen but it didn't. Since I probably just broke something somewhere, or worse, affected an original for blueprinting somewhere without knowing what, where, and how, it'd be great to have a way to check up on that. A chat log with a clickable Location ping would be very helpful to this end.
Why ?
This should be reasonably easy to implement as no new features need to be added unless I'm mistaken, but offers potentially huge returns in player satisfaction, or rather, may prevent huge dissatisfaction for little investment.

If you were to do this rather than a modder, it would allow you to include those actions that do not leave ghosts or mark for deconstruction, such as on test maps in /editor mode.
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