macOS has now for some time support for apps to natively switch between light and dark appearance based on system's setting.
It would be really cool if Factorio also supported this so window titlebar could be dark when dark mode is enabled.
I like to play Factorio in windowed mode and this light titlebar can be sometimes distracting on my otherwise dark screen.
So please devs consider this change as this would be perfect quality of life improvement.
Here is preview of how it would look, and in my opinion it would be absolutely hilarious:
[macOS] Allow dark window titlebar when system dark mode is enabled
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: [macOS] Allow dark window titlebar when system dark mode is enabled
I just found out that it can be forced on per-app basis by this command (run in terminal):
(don't forget to restart game after this change)
But app's native support would be of course better.
Code: Select all
defaults write com.factorio NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance 0
But app's native support would be of course better.