Make blueprints first class citizens.

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Make blueprints first class citizens.

Post by waitofaiorur »

Treat blueprints like any other placeable entity.
What ?
Placing walls in a line is easy. Just select your wall-part, hold and drag and voila, you now have a wall.

Imagine the same, but for blueprints. Take your common solar-power blueprint for instance.
It probably contains a radar, a roboport, some accumulators and of course your solar panels.
Now try placing 20 by dragging your cursor or moving. The result is of course a complete mess.
Instead you now have to carefully align them one by one.

All the other actions should be supported as well. Right-click => mark for destruction.
Left-click/hover could show statistics for the entity in its entirety.
And so forth.
Why ?
I believe this would make it easier to reason about a higher level of abstraction. Blueprints are in a way entities in themselves, but are treated differently now.
Also aligning them when copy-pasting is a major pain.
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