Return the object avoidance mode for ghost rail building

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Re: Return the object avoidance mode for ghost rail building

Post by Moikle »

This needs to come back. It was useful, especially before you get cliff explosives, or if you don't have enough of them, or if you don't want to spend hours clearing out trees. Rails avoiding cliffs was much cheaper than automatically driving straight through them all, marking them for deletion.

Also, removing this feature breaks the ability to rotate the end of the rail ghosts clockwise, as letting go of shift causes its rotation to reset.

It isn't intuitive, either, I expect to see the ghosts reach my cursor, and when they don't, I assume I am not placing ghosts, but instead actual rails. It is not clear why this is happening.

overall, bad move to get rid of this, I thought it must be a bug at first.
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Re: Return the object avoidance mode for ghost rail building

Post by IronCartographer »

Object avoidance mode is in the game again, activated with Ctrl instead of Shift for the rail planner.

I found this thread while trying to remember where its reintroduction was mentioned, only to discover how few people know about it...

Discoverability truly is one of Factorio's greatest challenges.
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