I want to be able to place signals in the middle of a curved rail piece.What ?
Currently, this is the situation:
You simply can't place signals on curved rails when the arrows are pointing because there are no connection points. It would be useful to have at least one signal connection point (in the center of the curved piece) on curved rail pieces.
There are some very conveniently located grid points where these signals could be placed:

Why ?
Designing cool rail setups and junctions is a part of the game. Not being able to place signals on curved rails is an arbitrary and annoying restriction (from a gameplay perspective). It would be excellent to lift this restriction. Signal spacing is crucial when designing an efficient junction because it allows you to plan buffers perfectly, and so on.For example,

The light blue rail block would be much better if I could place a signal where the arrow is pointing, but instead the closest a train can stop without entering the block is almost a whole car length away. This is annoying because that rail block would ideally be as compact as possible to increase throughput.
Lifting this restriction will enable creative and beautiful designs that work better and are more streamlined. I recognize that there are probably valid game design / programming reasons why this hasn't been implemented yet, but I still think it warrants some consideration given the benefits.
This change would not take away from the existing game at all and should not break existing designs or blueprints. It would be a purely positive addition to the game.