Official Channels for upgrade stats to pass through. (like research and modules do)

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Official Channels for upgrade stats to pass through. (like research and modules do)

Post by EpicSlayer7666 »

i think i might have spewed a wall of Text.. the short version:

the miner research increases production, but putting a production module adds to it and do not negate.

i want that ability for stats to exist since mods often breaks by fighting for a stat to change.

the method is to make 3 stages of where things can get modded officially from in the game mechanics.

1st Permanent.

2nd Semi Permanent.

3rd Temporary.

Permanent is like Levels in a game or in this game research.

Semi Permanent is like armor, it adds stats but if you remove it, they go with it.

Temporary is like potions in games, in this one Fish and the 2 second shooting speed bonus.

i will repost my old Detailed post under:
Last edited by EpicSlayer7666 on Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Official Channels for upgrade stats to pass through. (like research and modules do)

Post by EpicSlayer7666 »

Official Channels for upgrade stats to pass through. (like research and modules do) for a title looks a bit shady... what i mean is research adds production bonus to miners and speed to research Labs like modules do but adding those same stat boosting modules in does not cancel or overrides the values but adds to them.

if i want to boost per say, my Character's HP or crafting speed, i could add a research and done right? well what if i have armor that adds those stats? who wins? research or armor? even more obscure, what if it is a consumable like how fish increases shooting speed for 2 seconds... your crafting speed will do what? 1 nothing? 2 boost temporarily but not take the previous boost into account and reset like the research has not been done? 3 take it into account but if i eat 2 fish or consumable, they boost twice and revert to a boosted state instead of the true value?

for that i suggest a proper stat boosting channel path and structure:

1st would be permanent changes like research, Levels or any consumable that might add a permanent boost... (i am including mod possibilities there as well as Vanilla.) those would be made like: base + 1st boost in the array + the rest in the array. = "permanent"

2nd would be armor boost or equipment you put in the armor that are mostly always on but can be removed.

so: then you would take "permanent" + semi permanent array like armor and other, = "semi permanent"

3rd would be consumables like fish or any thing you could eat to boost your craft speed or run speed or Max HP...

so: then you would take "semi permanent" + temporary item array, have the item be able to mod certain things when eating an other. and the effect would translate to "Final" that is applied directly to the stat.

for the consumable the system would be: you can modify, the timer by resetting or adding to it, you could modify the effect by stacking, multiplying, exponent it or even divide it... (basic math) and even add extra effects if that can be scripted in easily. (consuming 10 fish = invisibly makes you consume a nonexistent item like "overfish" and slows you down or something...)

this way you can have many mods or in game items and research not overriding each other and working along side without having a nightmare for modders or the game Devs alike since the system is made to let new stat modifiers in and have them work along side each other.

i got this idea playing with Food industry 2 Beta and RPG system (they override each other) realizing if many mods added HP to tanks in different ways, they will override each other, same with crafting speed or inventory size... now do not get fooled by the words "Level" and "RPG" Factorio is a game engine running "Factorio". the game Devs can benefit updating the Engine's flexibility if they ever make an other game or want to add content. (think of all the cool armor bonus possible from the armor it self or inserted equipment! like a exoskeleton that makes you craft faster or mine faster... or a tool belt adding a 3rd row not being overridden by the research!)

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