show pipe flow + power armor crafting module

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show pipe flow + power armor crafting module

Post by llVIU »

2 suggestions, sorry if it was suggested already.

-there's no way for me to see the speed/flow of the liquid inside a pipe. If you put 50 pipe segments, you get 1067 liquid flow per second... if you put 2 segments, you get 3000 liquid flow per second. Let me just hover the mouse over the pipe to see the flow speed.
My big problem is that often I can't see whether I put too many pipes in a row and fluid moves too slowly. It's really difficult to figure out.

-Add power armor module that increases hand crafting speed, or mining speed (rocks, trees)/disassembling items speed.

edit: let me add an example to visualise better WHY it's good to show pipe flow velocity/speed/quantity. Check my pictures. I try to put a large amount of oil in one pipe, BUT to do that I need to add a certain amount of pumps and have very few segments of bends/pipes without pumps. Or, I need to have several pipes going in parallel.

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