Would be great to see more context aware hints integrated into the mouse cursorWhat ?
This is already done for placing ghosts when holding the SHIFT key and holding some building actively in the hand -> A little "ghost" appears as a hint in the cursor.However it would be nice to have similar mouse cursor hints for:
- Active Deconstruction planner + holding SHIFT key -> "minus" symbol indicating that now you have negated and will remove the deconstricion planning
- Having the mouse cursor above the Inventory/Chest panel + holding SHIFT key -> indicate that you will move ONE stack
- Having the mouse cursor above the Inventory/Chest panel + holding CTRL key -> indicate that you will move ALL items of the same type
- Having the mouse cursor above the Inventory/Crafting panel + holding SHIFT key -> indicate that you will craft ALL
- Having the mouse cursor above the Inventory/Crafting panel + holding CTRL key -> it would be good to have that "craft 5" with CTRL instead of right click
Why ?
SHIFT and CTRL keys do different things in different contexts. As a new player I find it hard to learn what does what and when.It causes lots of frustration to not know what the holding down of a modifier key will do after I left click.