Allow quickbar slot to auto-link to manually crafted item

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Allow quickbar slot to auto-link to manually crafted item

Post by _Attila_ »

It is tedious to have to open the inventory and find a just handcrafted item. The item should go into a quickbar slot designated for this purpose if no slot is already assigned to the item.

What ?
Allow the configuration of quickbar slots to auto-link items not already linked in the quickbar, when the final item is crafted (not intermediates).

1. Use new command Shift+MMB on a slot in second row of quickbar to set it to auto-link mode. Maybe change slot background color to show this.
2. Craft 5 belts.
3. if no belts linked already, first free auto-link slot is used for belts.

Also need some modifications to how items in the quickbar can be configured:

MMB to clear slot - as now. This clears auto-linked slot link, but not auto-linked designation.
Shift+MMB toggle slot auto-link designation. Does not clear link, if any.
Allow to move an item to an empty slot by picking it up and dropping it on another slot. Clear the original slot.
Allow to move an item to an occupied item positions.
Allow to move an item from an auto-linked slot to a normal slot. Clear original slot, but not auto-linked designation.
Why ?
Auto-linked slots are still links - not new storage - and will allow better access to inventory items.
Attila's QuickBar Mod - Auto-links hand crafted item to first free quickbar slot if not already linked.
Attila's Signals Mod - Alternate signals to use in same circuit as standard signals.
Attila's Zoom Mod - Modifies zoom functionality.
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