[0.17.X+][Map/Scenario Editor] Cliff Orientation Options Without [R/Shift+R]

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[0.17.X+][Map/Scenario Editor] Cliff Orientation Options Without [R/Shift+R]

Post by Shakar »

More Cliff Orientation Placement Choices On Editor GUI

So I was just messing around with the map editor/scenario editor and I noticed that cliffs only have one selection (south facing) available to click on by default. It's possible to do the other directions through rotating it with R and SHIFT+R, but every time you are to change the cliff direction just to make it look natural and not as straight lines you have to hit [R] repeatably. So what the suggestion here is then, is for all orientations to be available to click on, maybe with an arrow on the icon showing which way its facing and if it's a cliff end piece or not.

Instead of 1 icon, it'll be maybe about 20 icons in the editor list for cliffs, but after a while I'm sure people will begin to remember which spot on the list is the direction they're wanting. Maybe you guys can get it to be ordered in such a way of one type of piece per line to help make it easier, such as for example...

4 Straight Tiles
4 Outside Corner Tiles
4 Inside Corner Tiles
8 End Piece Tiles

Basically, this is to make it easier for mappers so they don't have to constantly remember how many times it'll take to get from a corner piece to an end piece to a inside corner piece to a straight piece etc.
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