Events on Mouse Button Release in the UI

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Events on Mouse Button Release in the UI

Post by Mechazawa »

tl:dr Mouse events in the UI should occur when the button is unpressed, not pressed.

What: I would like to request a change/feature/option to make it so that when clicking on something (typically buttons) in the UI (main menu, hot bar items, etc) that the "command" occurs when the mouse is unpressed rather than pressed. So, you have button, you click down, but nothing happens unless you let go of the mouse button. If you remove the mouse from over the button and then let go; nothing happens.

Why: When you missclick you can save yourself some trouble by moving the mouse away and letting go. This is pretty standard button behavior in Windows and Linux as well. For example, when a pop up box occurs, you can depress the okay button, move your mouse away, then let go of the mouse and it cancels the command to press the button.

Note: I'm not actually sure what this feature is called, so the title is a bit odd and I couldn't really search for this feature before hand.
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Re: Events on Mouse Button Release in the UI

Post by Koub »

Actually it already works that way in most menus (click event is only fired after mouse button pressed AND mouse button released on the same GUI button). One can test it in the game menu for example.

The only place I've seen things work differntly is the toolbar, where the click is registered on mouse button pressed.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Events on Mouse Button Release in the UI

Post by Mechazawa »

Interesting, the tool bar was the only thing I tested. Oops on my part :/ If it is indeed implemented this way everywhere else. Then my suggestion would be to add it to the toolbar as well, if its not already scheduled to be added.
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