balancing on achievement with peaceful mode, and one new

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balancing on achievement with peaceful mode, and one new

Post by lottery248 »

i don't know if you guys would agree with this, but some of the achievements are achieveable in peaceful mode so i would wish to have the following changes:

make these achievement available in peaceful:

1. steam all the way (why not?)
2. finish in 15 hours and 8 hours. (i don't really see point of why they can't be achieved in peaceful, you can simply remove enemies by making their base size to none, then bypass the condition)

disable this achievement in peaceful:

stink and they don't like it -> you enemies won't fight against your base without your active attack, even with pollution, won't trigger.

add one achievement:

Prince Solaris (100 Gigajoules per hour with all solar panels on use).
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