Some ideas ?

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:37 pm

Some ideas ?

Post by user008 »

Hi Ive been playing factorio a while now I must say its a truly fantastic game and can only get better.Some ideas:

1.Multiple custom winning conditions such as produce y amount of item z in x amount of time to part win or win a game like produce 100k of electronic circuits in 2 hours etc.

2.Different ways of generating power such as an "crude oil power plant", "nuclear power plant" ,"geo thermal" etc.

3.A pollution info page just like the electrical demand and supply page but with information on the amount of polluction being generated by various buildings etc .

4.A page where you can turn off or on certain buildings or a group of selected buildings along with displaying information about what is currently being produced etc.

5.Smart long handed inserters.

6.Option for the character to use constructions bots rather than always having to have a roboport near by.

7.Option to research a bigger inventory for the character.

8.More types of ore,faster transport belts.

9.Transport belt bridges, railway bridges,railway tunnels and pipe bridges.
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Some ideas ?

Post by Sparkerish »

10. Radio Tower (how else is player to communicate with earth/other players?) :)
Have FUN!
WARNING Factorio
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