Version informations for Update automation

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Burner Inserter
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Version informations for Update automation

Post by Nidhoegger666 »

Hi Factorio Team ;).

I am having some suggestions. I administrate a Linux Server for Factorio and would like to fully automate the updating process. Therefore I would need two things:

1. A reliable source in the current installation which version it is (Currently I do cat changelog.txt | grep "Version:" | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2). So maybe just a file "version" in the archive that contains the version? That would be great!
2. A parsable way what the current version is of stable and experimental. Maybe something like json? I would be happy with a plain textfile containing this informations. That way I could write a simple bash script that will periodically check the versions, stops the server, updates and restarts it. I would share that script of course!

Thank you!
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Re: Version informations for Update automation

Post by Bilka »

There's existing ways to get both of these things, although I agree that there should be better ways.

1. The base mod (data/base) has an info.json that contains the version.
2. lists the versions on the main page, you could parse the html for them. You can also parse the download page directly, for info on that, see
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
Burner Inserter
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Re: Version informations for Update automation

Post by BrainFooLong »

I personally prefer

It's pretty simple to update via these.
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