Interesting. I suppose earlier when I came up with 25200 I was assuming you used a nice round number of minutes for a day length.kovarex wrote:Day has 25000 ticks.
This is the cycle (realtively speaking)
0.75 -> 0.25 (half a day), 100% bright
0.25->0.45 getting dark (evening)
0.45->0.55 night
0.55->0.75 get light (morning)
However, I ran some tests (every tick, check game.daytime and watch for values > .9999) and a day seems to be 24966 ticks, though one interval (of the 16 I watched) was 24967.
What is going on here?
A tick is 1/60th of a second, though a tick really isn't a relevant time unit unless you're modding. For gameplay, seconds are quite adequate, and the game is consistent with them as far as I've seen.Teurlinx wrote:And how long is a 'tick'?