It would be nice to allow the player to change the order the mining drill consumes the ore tiles.What ?
Currently, the game seems to mine the ore tiles starting at the outside of its mining area and moving inwards. When the orefield is drying up, this causes each mining drill to sit on a strip of ore in the middle of its mining area, preventing other
adjacent mining drills from helping out mining that ore. I think that if the mining drill instead started mining from the center
of its mining area and moving outwards, adjacent mining drills could be useful for a longer time, since they could help out
mining the ore at the edge of other mining drills' mining area.
This could either be an option in the mining drill interface (which would have to allow copying using shift and left/right click,
just like when you copy the settings of assemblers, oil refineries, etc), or it could be a global option in the game settings.
Why ?
Currently, if you want an ore field to keep producing at its maximum rate as long as possible, you have to clear out the miningdrills and shift them a few tiles to the side, to allow several mining drills access to each strip of ore. This is tedious and could be
avoided with this change.