Open inventory when you click the player
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Open inventory when you click the player
It would be a minor feature to open the character inventory when you click the player on the screen. Just like cars or trains.
Re: Open inventory when you click the player
I could see that getting quite annoying lol, since it's quite normal to click on the player when placing items
Additionally the inventory key is one of the most accessible keys in the game, and used as a general purpose dialog interaction key, making it one of the most used keys in the game, aside from wasd and q - so it's not difficult to access or of obscure usage.
You might be able to find a mod with this functionality if it's something you think you'd like though... but as part of the vanilla game I'd see it causing far more grief and confusion than gain.
Honestly I hope they remove the ability to open vehicle inventory by clicking on it while occupying that vehicle, once they revamp the UI, so that the inventory key would open the vehicle inventory while in the vehicle, as it's not entirely uncommon to click on the vehicle while in combat or otherwise unintentionally and bring up the ui.... actually might make a thread to suggest that lol
Additionally the inventory key is one of the most accessible keys in the game, and used as a general purpose dialog interaction key, making it one of the most used keys in the game, aside from wasd and q - so it's not difficult to access or of obscure usage.
You might be able to find a mod with this functionality if it's something you think you'd like though... but as part of the vanilla game I'd see it causing far more grief and confusion than gain.
Honestly I hope they remove the ability to open vehicle inventory by clicking on it while occupying that vehicle, once they revamp the UI, so that the inventory key would open the vehicle inventory while in the vehicle, as it's not entirely uncommon to click on the vehicle while in combat or otherwise unintentionally and bring up the ui.... actually might make a thread to suggest that lol
Re: Open inventory when you click the player
It's not just this game it's an almost universal standard now that inventory in crafting games is set super accessible, from Minecraft on down inventory is next to your movement. And there are a huge number of other interactions setting click on char would forego. Eating fish is click on player, sharing items in multiplayer is click on player, mining where you're running might accidentally player click placing items especially belts while running might click on player.
And before you argue "you have it be only able to happen when empty hand and only when player not moving and only when not dragging the mouse and you don't have to get rid of anything that's already there to do it" one of the most useful features in factorio is you don't have to stop running or placing or anything else to look in inventory, your mouse interactions at the edge of the screen are the same as if inventory was closed which makes it especially useful while fighting cause you can keep pointing and shooting while planning a quick click to get out turrets that happen not to be on the hot bar or crafting ammo and I can keep doing it without stopping my run away from the biters.
And before you argue "you have it be only able to happen when empty hand and only when player not moving and only when not dragging the mouse and you don't have to get rid of anything that's already there to do it" one of the most useful features in factorio is you don't have to stop running or placing or anything else to look in inventory, your mouse interactions at the edge of the screen are the same as if inventory was closed which makes it especially useful while fighting cause you can keep pointing and shooting while planning a quick click to get out turrets that happen not to be on the hot bar or crafting ammo and I can keep doing it without stopping my run away from the biters.
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