Allow users to set their preferred maximum/minimum zoom levels and the level at which the map view switches.How ?
This could either be in the options or in the ini file (if its easier that way) so users can customize it however they prefer without commands that disable achievements.If it is too cheaty to be able to zoom out further while in normal view, only implement it for map view or make character zoom limits a direct command that only needs to be entered once and not every time you want to zoom out.
Why ?
It is very difficult to place large blueprints if you cannot see where they end. The initial 0.15 zoom factor where map view switched helped placing large blueprints far away, but now with the patch the normal view can be zoomed out futher than on the map, which makes the map a lot less useful than before.On the other hand, other users may prefer other values for e.g. performance reasons.
The only way to please everyone is to make it changable.
If its not implemented or reversed to previous level, I will start a mod request.