What ?
Programmable speakers volume are currently determined by :I propose to add a new config in the "Sound settings" panel, so the volume would be :(internal volume) * (Game effects volume) * (Master volume)
A reminder for those who didn't understood what I'm talking about :(internal volume) * (Programmable speakers volume) * (Master volume)

Why ?
I personally play Factorio while listening to some music, this is why I lowered the master volume (as you can see in the screenshot).But I barely can hear speakers, especially when they are playing deep notes with the config "piano", or "bass"... even if their internal volume is maxed.
It would be grate if I could increase the volume only for speakers.
And those who builds big combinators systems to play songs would love it !
By the way, why is there a capital "S" in "Programmable Speaker" (the in game label) ?? All the other items have only 1 capital...