Run Factorio on dedicated servers in the cloud, client becomes view-state

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Run Factorio on dedicated servers in the cloud, client becomes view-state

Post by The_Dark_Nate »

No idea if it is possible...

Players can optionally pay a small fee per month to the Factorio Team to have their Game Save hosted on dedicated factorio servers.

That player can then load their Save game anytime they want, but the game is hosted on the server and the users computer is just a view-state of the game.

This allows the potential for the following:

- We dont need a higher spec PC in order to run the game.
- Eventually Factorio Team could produce a mobile phone App, since the game calculations etc would be done on the server etc.

Great game!
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Re: Run Factorio on dedicated servers in the cloud, client becomes view-state

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Changed topic subject to something explicit. clickbait-style topic is counterproductive.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Run Factorio on dedicated servers in the cloud, client becomes view-state

Post by OdinYggd »

This is already possible using the headless server on basically any VPS or dedicated server provider.

Set the game up with a limited list of players so that only you and people you trust are able to play on it, and go to it.

I'm sure by now gameserver providers have gotten started offering Factorio servers.

If not I need to stop slacking off and do it myself, since I can provide managed servers for people and would just have to make a dashboard for controlling the gameserver.
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