- This is a hassle to set up. Every time I build an intersection, I have to pull out my exit block meter blueprint (a line of lights spaced 1 train car apart), and carefully measure out the length. This doesn't work on curved track, so in that case I have to lay down signals at spacing 5 (the longest train the game is willing to show hints for), and then go back and rip up the extras.
- I have to decide the length of the longest train I will ever want to run in early-mid-game, when I first start using trains. If I ever want to run a longer train on the tracks than initially designed, that requires re-measuring every intersection on the map.
- Trains shorter than the maximum length fail to benefit from their shortness. For example, if two intersections are too close together for the longest train to wait in between, their exit blocks toward each other have to use chain signals. So a short train can't wait in the space between intersections even if it would fit. Or if a train is waiting after the intersection, and there's not enough space behind it for a maximum-length train, then a short train can't proceed through even if it would fit.
Example: A length-5 train approaches an intersection. The exit block signal of that intersection is a lookahead signal, and every signal from the entrance to the exit is a chain signal. Signals on the main line are 3 car-lengths apart. In order to enter the intersection, the train must reserve a path through the lookahead signal. The lookahead signal will only be (green? purple?) if there are 2 clear segments after the intersection.
Example 2: Same as before, except there aren't 2 segments of normal signals after the intersection. Instead, there is 1 segment of normal signals, then another intersection. In this case, the length-5 train will not enter the first intersection until it can reserve a path through both intersections.
Why is this nice?
- Train intersections are now more blueprintable. Just put train length lookahead signals on all the exits, and you can plunk it down anywhere without faffing around with the exit block meter.
- You can upgrade the length of trains on high-traffic routes without re-doing your entire train system.