Third category for speaker alerts

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Third category for speaker alerts

Post by theNCGoalie »

I've just released a very preliminary version of my first mod, and I look forward to expanding it, but as things are structured now, it might get a little messy eventually. Currently when you turn off "signal as pitch" there are two dropdowns allowing for selection of drum kit -> Kick 1, or Alarms -> Cannot-build as examples. If it were expanded to at least allow three dropdowns, it would allow me to add multiple voices to my speech to text alerts mod, but also allow for some organization. If I end up with as many different alerts as I would like to have, I know the second dropdown would get unreasonably long. Three dropdowns would allow for something like Samantha -> Resources -> Insufficient Copper Plate, or David -> Power -> Power Is Critical.

If this is already possible, I must have overlooked something. This is my first adventure in to modding so it's definitely possible.
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