It'll be nice to have coke coal by processed 2 coal and produce 1 coke coal 15MJ and by product of creosote oil 1MJ.
Creosote oil will be used for creating wood tie for train track. It's weird that wood have no purpose other than early wood pole and burning them to get rid of it.
You could also create solid fuel from 25 creosote oil.
That will extend the use of coal and also allow more boilers in row to be placed. ( maybe outdated design for the upcomming new boiler 0.15).
Coke coal & wood tie
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Coke coal & wood tie
maybe creosote could be converted to hydrocarbons? Maybe using energy, water and creosote to heavy oil cracking, and then the other processes to turn that into light and petroleum.
Re: Coke coal & wood tie
This is definitely a suggestion for a mod.
We had such mods already btw. Search for Treefarm for example.
We had such mods already btw. Search for Treefarm for example.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Coke coal & wood tie
Since adding mod break steam achievement, I no longer use mods.
I do not want to start a war about achievement and mod.
I just feel as vanilla have some hole in it and need some polish ( the game is great ). It's sad that we need to rely on mods for things that should be into vanilla ( it's my opinion ).
Mods are great when it add new things into gameplay like ( 5dim/ bob ) or QoL like ( long reach).
I end up modifying directly "base" directory. I added the thing I suggested in this topic + belt consumming electricity ( placed an entity 1 for each color that count corresponding color belt and consume electricity based on that number). Octopus tank ( 8 pipes connector instead of 4).
I do not want to start a war about achievement and mod.
I just feel as vanilla have some hole in it and need some polish ( the game is great ). It's sad that we need to rely on mods for things that should be into vanilla ( it's my opinion ).
Mods are great when it add new things into gameplay like ( 5dim/ bob ) or QoL like ( long reach).
I end up modifying directly "base" directory. I added the thing I suggested in this topic + belt consumming electricity ( placed an entity 1 for each color that count corresponding color belt and consume electricity based on that number). Octopus tank ( 8 pipes connector instead of 4).